Ben Squires

Money & Banking

10 extremely charitable celebrities

10 extremely charitable celebrities

It seems like all you ever read about celebrities these days is “fad diet-this” and “wardrobe malfunction-that”. But we think it’d be worthwhile focussing on the celebrities who are actually using their fame and fortune to do a little good.

Scroll through the gallery above to find the 10 most-charitable over-60 celebrities.

10. Elton John

The British pianist has become something of a philanthropist, founding the Elton John AIDS foundation and associating himself with a range of charitable causes in his life.

9. Oprah Winfrey

Famous for working studio audiences into a frenzy with free cars, Oprah has founded a school and multiple charities including the Oprah Winfrey Operating Foundation.

8. Susan Sarandon

Aside from her history of donations, Susan Sarandon has been a passionate campaigner against the dangers of growing genetically modified corps, with an open letter in the Times.

7. Paul McCartney

Not content to just give the world some of the best music of all time, Paul McCartney has also spent a lot of time dedicated to ensuring the ethical treatment of animals with PETA.

8. Willie Nelson

The country music icon has pledged to a variety of causes from those related to animals and farm aid to charities concerned with treating addiction and substance abuse.

6. Whoopi Goldberg

The comedian and television host has dedicated time and money to a variety of causes including those associated with family/parent support, homelessness and refugees.

5. Betty White

The lovable actress is revered worldwide but her charitable efforts tend to go under the radar. Betty White has made significant contributions to causes related to animals.

4. Morgan Freeman

One of the most iconic actors to grace the silver screen, Morgan Freeman has dedicated his time and money to a variety of different causes including the Make-A-Wish Foundation.  

3. Gary Sinise

The Forrest Gump star is associated with a number of causes and has recently founded the Gary Sinise Foundation to help build homes for wounded ex-service members.

2. Eric Clapton

The former Cream guitarist has involved himself with a number of charities including UNICEF, Amnesty International and performed at Live Aid with Phil Collins.

1. Bill Gates

The founder of Microsoft is no scrooge when it comes to charitable causes, setting up the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and giving away more than $28 billion to charity.  

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