20 signs 2015 was a good year (even if it doesn’t feel like it)

Blink and before you know it, it’s the start of a brand new year! The beginning of the year often brings with it moments of reflection and contemplation and if, like many of us, you don’t feel like you’re where you should be – whether it’s because you didn’t accomplish what you wanted to or it was a particularly challenging year because of life’s circumstances – don’t despair. Instead, take a second look at the events of the past year and you’ll most likely realise that even though much of what happened didn’t go as planned, you’re more on track that you thought you were. Here are 20 signs you actually had a great year, even if it doesn’t feel like it.
- You fell short of some goals, but you’re ok with that because you know success isn’t only measured in goals. The process of trying has already changed you.
- You can see and celebrate how far you’ve come in a year.
- You appreciate the little things in life much more than you once did.
- You did more of what you wanted to do rather than what you didn’t want to do.
- You took risks, small and big, even in the face of fear.
- You don’t worry about things you can’t change anymore.
- You take yourself less seriously than you used to. You can see the humour in most situations.
- You have let go of unnecessary anger.
- You smile more.
- You’ve surrounded yourself with loves one and spent more time with the people who are most important to you.
- You enjoy spending time with yourself and becoming your own best friend.
- You’ve made peace with your past.
- You’ve learnt to stop comparing yourself to others.
- You don’t get so bogged down in frustrating little details anymore. You can see the bigger picture.
- You don’t let other people’s negativity and judgment impact you anymore.
- You feel grateful for how far you’ve come over the years.
- You trust your instincts and go with your gut. You believe in yourself.
- You helped others.
- You’ve stopped defining yourself by external influences. You know what makes a good person is what’s on the inside.
- You feel positive about the future and the direction you’re heading. You still believe in the possibilities that lie ahead.
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