Become a more positive person now

For some time there has been growing research around the idea that happiness is, quite literally, a state of mind. So given this, simply changing your mindset to a more positive one can have a huge impact on your lifestyle. Here are 10 easy steps to set you on an extremely positive path!
Avoid negativity
It seems like a no-brainer, rid negativity from your life and you’ll be happier, but it’s harder than you think. And probably also more prevalent than you realise, too. Things like the like bad news, depressing movies, negative people and rudeness all have an effect on us, our mood and outlook. To avoid it, you should make sure you choose friends wisely and limit or avoid time with people who bring you down; switch the news off; avoid movies and TV shows that veer into negative territory; avoid situations where you encounter rudeness and learn to say “no” or confront people who bring you down.
Find the silver lining
You’ve probably been told at some point to either look on the bright side, that every cloud has a silver lining or to count your blessings. It’s not always obvious at first, but there is always a way to find the positive, funny or light side of something. Whatever happens, replace negative thoughts with positive ones. If you do this for long enough, it will soon become habitual and make a tremendous difference in improving your positive thinking skills. For even when we don’t get what we want, we gain some sort of experience. Experience, as the experts say, is the key to happiness because a fulfilled life is about experiences, not material things. There are positive and negative aspects in all situations and we get to choose which ones we focus on. There’s no sense in worrying about the negatives if they can’t be changed.
Smile always
Many studies have demonstrated that a smile (even a forced one) can lift one’s mood. And even better than that, by simply smiling at someone else you can spread positivity around and make their day. And in turn, this is bound to make you happy too. Nothing bad ever came of a smile, so fake it until you make it.
Wellness is not women’s friend. It’s a distraction from what really ails us
Keep active
Not only is exercise good for the mind, body and soul, but just about most forms of activity go a long way in keeping you in a positive frame of mind. From watching a movie with a friend to shopping with family, occupying your schedule in a positive and uplifting way will ensure your mind is full of positive thoughts and feelings, and set you on a good path. Check your local council, sports clubs or community groups for more ideas on activities happening in your area.
Get social
It is said that those who find true happiness, have lived a life filled with experiences and good friends and family. A big part of staying positive is to surround yourself with friends. Appreciate the people in your life who have stood by you through thick and thin. Enlist their support to help you become more positive, and in the process you will probably help them too. Feel positive, lucky and blessed to have good friends around you. Spending time with others, as opposed to on your own, will keep you in check, not let you drown in your own thoughts and will provide you the company of someone to share in both the happy and not-so-happy times – making the happy times even more happy and the burden of the bad times halved.
Positive affirmations
When you’re feeling a little down, unsure or like you need a little pick-me-up, quotes are a wonderful way to boost your mood and help you to forget your worries. Find an optimistic quote and hang it on your wall at home or keep it in your wallet or pocket. We love the quote: “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss. Head to www.positivequotes.org for some really great ones.
Set goals
Goals are a great way to improve your outlook on life. People who are bored with life and feel stuck are usually feeling depressed. Setting goals helps you move forward, gives one a sense of purpose and offers a sense of fulfilment and accomplishment. Start with small goals – like growing a herb garden, learning to bake scones or learning a language.
Embrace failure
Just about everyone fears failing or has at one point. The thing about failing is, there’s actually nothing wrong with it – it is part of life and the truth is, not everything we do will go the way we want. If you view that as failure, that’s where you’re going wrong. To paraphrase Franklin D. Roosevelt, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. We will fall down and make mistakes – it’s a fact. It’s all about how we handle it and get back up again that counts. If you expect to succeed, but are not afraid to fail, you have the best chance of staying positive throughout it all.
Travel time
According to a new study from the University of Vermont, the further you are from home, the happier your tweets tend to be. So what are you waiting for? Get out of town! It makes complete sense: holidays equal happy times. You don’t have to go on a “holiday” in the traditional sense to reap these benefits. Simply go on a day trip somewhere (via car, train or bus). Even a short drive somewhere different should do the trick. The things to remember are: Get outside; ditch your usual hangout; and do something spontaneous.
The way you set up and decorate your house can have a big impact on the energy in your home. Your home should be your sanctuary where you feel relaxed, nurtured, energised and fulfilled. You’ve probably heard of the ancient Chinese practice or feng shui on the arrangement of your home in order to bring good “Chi” into your space. Things to keep in mind are:
- Your home should be well organised and free of clutter.
- Open curtains and let in as much natural light as possible, or opt for natural light or full spectrum light bulbs or LED lights.
- Improve your air quality by regularly changing the air filters in heaters and air cons. You may also want to invest in an air purifier.
- Choose bright and cheerful colours. You could paint a feature wall or opt for colour accents in cushions, throws and lamps and so on.
- Select only furniture pieces you love. And if you have or want to buy any vintage or second-hand items, clean them first. It is said that it is good to clean them by burning safe around the items.