Ben Squires


These small acts of kindness changed lives

These small acts of kindness changed lives

Have you ever experienced a small act of kindness from a stranger that changed your life?

Sometimes it’s the smallest gestures that can have the biggest impact on our lives. Even more so when these acts of kindness are from strangers – because they tend not to know who you are or what you’re going through. Here the Over60 community share their remarkable stories of the times complete strangers lent them a much-needed helping hand.

“Only yesterday I put a message on a buy and sell site asking if anyone knew of a vet in my area that did a payment plan as I had no money until Thursday. A young man messaged me and he came to my home and met my fur baby, Kimba, who was suffering badly and needed to go to sleep. He gave me $200 to take her to the vet. I told him I would pay him back on Thursday but he gave me a hug and wished me a Merry Christmas. I have never met someone so caring and kind. We took Kimba to the vet and my husband stayed with her and I went to the waiting room where I sat crying and a woman came over and hugged me till we left. Two strangers that gave their kindness and compassion yesterday made me feel that there are beautiful souls out there.” – Kay Brook Mellor

“As I berated my mischievous young son, a kindly stranger said to me, ‘Now, now dear, when they are little you have little problems, when they are big you have big problems.’ I didn't really know at the time that these words would stay with me a lifetime, and I often repeat them now to other young frazzled mothers. Just keeping life in perspective.” – Frances Piper-Jones

"48 years ago I was serving in the RAAF. I was 21 and my wife 18. We were at an RSL when an ‘old couple’ in their forties asked to share our table as it was busy. They bought us a drink, which I tried to do in return and they said, ‘No our son is in the navy and somewhere out there in the world. We are looking after you two tonight and hoping someone is doing the same for him.’ I have a son serving now and never forgot their sentiment and have lived by it ever since. I truly thank them and it’s served me well and many kids I have met since. They started something I know has grown.” – Terry Clapton

“I have received acts of kindness throughout my life. None of them were small, none of them are. Things like giving up a comfortable train seat just because I looked tired, a twenty cent when I was short for my bread, a place ahead in a queue and so on and so on!” – Yolanda de Aragao

“It costs nothing to be nice. My birthday last month, I was feeling miserable, so broke, spending the evening alone, so I went for a wander through the shops. The person on the door intentionally caught my eye, gave me a huge smile, and said ‘Hello, how are you, I'm glad you have come to visit us today’. Sure, it was her job, it was how she greets people - but her greeting quite literally made my day.” – Toni Lee

“When I was in Geneva in 1990, I couldn’t speak anything other than English. A stranger put me on a bus and paid my fare to the train station I needed to be at because I had no idea where I was. She asked the bus driver (who was also my saviour to direct me to the correct station) where to go and luckily, I ended in the correct place. Without her help I would still be there. Thank you whoever you are. Both you and the bus driver saved my sanity. I will never forget these people.” – Margaret Jones

“Being given a helping hand when walking down off the kerb the other day by a young man, a complete stranger. Gave me a nice feeling to know that some young people care.” – Marian Johnson

“I've experienced many random acts of kindness from total strangers. After the death of a close friend and then my mum in the last two years, I was out at a local supermarket when I got an anxiety attack. One lady helped me out and stayed with me, talked and calmed me down after I thought I’d lost my purse and panicked. This was only a month after my mum had died and I was off with the fairies in my grief. Fortunately, my purse was located by some miracle and all the money and cards still in it! The lady turned out to be a church lady – I was so grateful to her at the time and all the staff at the supermarket too! l have never forgotten!” - Vicki Wyzga

“Midnight in the Paris airport trying to get to our hotel and an Air France employee came to our rescue and actually drove us there even though it was in the opposite direction to his home!” – Trish McMaster

 “A very long time ago, I was in a shop looking for a special dress to wear to my 21st birthday party. There also was a gentleman in the shop who overheard my conversation with the shop assistant about my reasons for wanting a dress. He very quietly left the shop, went next door to a florist and bought me a beautiful bunch of roses... just for my birthday. I have never ever forgotten his kindness and loveliness. Who says chivalry is dead?” – Margaret Stephens

Related links:

People are happier when they do good

10 questions to work out what really make you happy

How to be truly happy in today’s world