8 ways to be a good person today

You don’t have to be a hero or a saint to be a good person – all you have to do is put in a little extra time and effort to make other’s feel good. It doesn’t even have to be a grand gesture, as it’s often the small acts of kindness that make the biggest impact on people, especially when they’re not expecting it. Here are 8 quick but meaningful things you can do today to be an even better person than you are. Because if you’re reading this, you’re probably already a very good person!
1. Leave positive notes for your loved ones
Whether you leave a nice, thoughtful note on your partner’s computer or you ring up your friends and leave a message telling them thanks for being a great friend, share the love!
2. Initiate a conversation with an acquaintance
Whether it’s your neighbour, barista or fellow dog-owner at the park, why not strike up a conversation and get to know someone.
3. Pick up someone else’s rubbish
While it’s frustrating that people don’t clean up after their own mess and think they can just litter willy-nilly, if we don’t pick it up, who will Don’t let your beautiful neighbourhood be ruined by litterbugs.
4. Compliment someone
We often take our friends and family for granted so next time they do a job well done, whether big or small, let them know.
5. Pause and say thank you
Although niceties haven’t disappeared altogether, many of us are guilty of throwing out a quick “thanks” while we rush from one thing to another. It makes such a difference when we pause and genuinely express our thanks and gratitude for the kindness people show us.
6. Help someone out
Whether it’s opening a door, carrying someone’s shopping or putting the shopping trolley back to its designated spot, take that extra 30 seconds to help someone out.
7. Notice when people are nice
We usually only notice when people have done us wrong but not when someone does something kind and right. Make a conscious effort to see all the good and kindness in the world next time you step out of the door.
Wellness is not women’s friend. It’s a distraction from what really ails us
8. Say a kind word to a stranger
See a family with well-behaved children? Tell them! Let people know what they’re doing right. As this story proves, you never know what a kind word means to people.
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