Ben Squires

Beauty & Style

These 6 women prove you can be sexy at any age

These 6 women prove you can be sexy at any age

If you think ageing means less make-up, more lounge pants and longer hemlines? Think again.

These six vibrant women, with an average age of 80, prove that sexiness and radiance has nothing to do with age – or “magical” anti-ageing treatments for that matter. From the world’s oldest model to activists and style queens, be inspired by the women who refuse to fade into the background just because of their age.

Learn more about these incredible women in the trailer for a BBC documentary documenting their lives. It’s almost like a UK version of Advanced Style by Ari Seth Cohen and it will dazzle you.

 You can learn more about them on the Fabulous Fashionistas youtube channel here

Related links:

5 questions to ask before you change your hair

12 age defying ways to style short hair

6 tips for healthy hair that defy ageing