Melody Teh

Family & Pets

The funniest things grandkids kids say

The funniest things grandkids kids say

We all know that kids have a unique view on the world and will come up with the cutest sayings… or the harshest of observations that only a child would say out loud! So we asked the Over60 community to share the funniest words that have come from their grandchildren and you were all more than happy to oblige. If you’re looking for a laugh today, just read on for some hilarious, precious and simply adorable observations from our innocent young grandkids.

“I was looking after my four year old and was handing her clothes to wear. She said, ‘I'm not putting them on.’ I said, ‘You have five minutes to pick something.’ She looked at me and said, ‘Don’t give me a hard time, Grandma!’” – Kaye Warren

“I was playing a card game with the grandies. I made quite a good move and commented, ‘Nanas a clever little cream pie,’ to which my granddaughter replied, ‘No nana, you're just a tart!’” – Wendy Powell

“My dear little 15 month old granddaughter, who I mind two days a week, can say Mummy, Daddy, Nonno (Italian for Grandfather) and Nanna (her other Grandmother) but couldn't say ‘Grandma’, which I chose to be called. One day my daughter showed her photos and she named each one. When she got to my photo she thought for a minute, looked and pointed at me and said ‘That!’ However, I am thrilled to say that on a surprise visit to our house yesterday, her eyes lit up and she said ‘Mannma!’ I have finally made it.” – Jennifer Sabatino

“When she was about three years old, my little granddaughter was eating an apple and her grandfather asked her for a bite. She promptly went up to him and bit his arm. He said ‘thank you’ and she replied ‘Your welcome Poppy.’” – Alice Anderson

“Years ago, when there was a constant ad on TV about this, I know of a little boy about 4 years old  who, at the lunch table, asked two ladies (who were not exactly intimate friends of the hosts) if they'd had their pap smears yet.” – Denise Leitch Young

“James, my sever year old grandson, reached ‘Einstein’ level in maths game. I asked him did he know about Einstein and he said ‘Yep, tall, green and screws in his neck, but I didn't watch the whole movie’.” – Susan Chippindall

“My granddaughter was only three, when, from the kitchen I heard her slam the front door. When I asked her what she was doing, she said, ‘There was a stupid man at the door. He said he was collecting crippled children, so I told him I was the only kid here, and I can walk, so we have none to give you!’ I so wanted to run down the street just to see the look on his face.” – Rae Vickers

“My daughter had a new baby, and hubby suggested he take the baby home. The baby’s older sister (about four) said he couldn't because he didn't have ‘those milk bottles’.” – Tina Van Dongen

“Four-year-old granddaughter affectionately touching my arm, ‘Nana, why have you got chicken skin?’” – Billie Ann Kennedy

“My two year old grandson was coughing. I patted his back and said poor boy. He looked at me and said, ‘Don't worry about me, Bebbi. I'm just coughing up fur balls.’” – Bev Pow

 “My grandson was starting school, and I asked him if he was riding his bike. He said, ‘Of course not Nan, I haven't got a GPS.’” – Margaret Derek Fowler

“Playing I Spy and granddaughter chose something ‘peach coloured, sort of wrinkled and some white on top’. Nobody guessed it. The answer was, ‘My grandma!’” – Sue Cross

“My husband was reading to our four year old grandson and he pointed to a picture that had words under it. My grandson said, ‘You know I can't read, right?’” – Lesley Wilson

“My little granddaughter said after a visit to the museum, ‘She looked and looked until her eyes were full.’” – Janette Mitchell

“Six year old granddaughter said she was going to be a mermaid when she grew up because mummy said when you go to University you can be anything you want.” – Vikki Ovenden