Home & Garden
8 pieces of wall art that you can easily make yourself

Why struggle to find that perfect – and often expensive – piece of art for your wall when you can easily make it yourself? Try out one of these eight awesome DIY wall art ideas that are sure to add a personalised touch to your home.
1. CD mosaic
If you’ve got an assortment of unwanted CDs and want to add a reflective flare to your wall, try this CD mosaic. All you need is scissors, an adhesive, CDs, and a sturdy canvas. Cut up CDs into various sizes using sharp scissors. If you find that the CDs tear or crumble under your effort, try industrial strength scissors. From here, just glue the CD shards, reflective side up, in an abstract pattern across your canvas, let dry, and you’re done!
Photo source: http://homesthetics.net/
2. Rainbow rain drops
If you want to add a bit of colour to your or your grandchild’s room, try this simple wall piece using numerous colours of thick felt. Cut a large cloud out of a white or grey felt, then create rain drops in colour. Use fishing line to string the drops at alternating lengths from the cloud and hang.
New York City mocked for only just discovering wheelie bins
Photo source: woohome.com
3. Doily canvas
This piece can add a feminine touch to any room. All you need is a canvas, various-sized doilies (the number of which will vary depending on the size of your canvas) and spray paint in your desired colour. Just lay the canvas flat over a drop cloth, place your doilies where desired, and give the canvas a thorough coating of paint. Wait a few minutes and remove the doilies from the canvas, where they will have left their contrasting silhouette behind.
Photo source: http://shealynnbenner.com/
4. Twined words
This adorable wall piece can be created using a base of either cardboard or wire. For the cardboard, cut it into your desired lettering. For wire, bend its shape until it is manipulated into the word you wish to form. The rest is simple: tape or glue-gun your yarn to one end of the word, wrap it around continuously until the entire piece is covered, and hang!
Photo source: http://diycandy.com/
Plastic Free July is a waste of time if the onus is only on consumers
5. Yarn wrap CDs
This piece is a hybrid of number 1 and 4: yarn wrapped CDs. This one is more of a long term project, but that means you can enlist your grandchildren for help and work on it together. Using different coloured yarns, weave simple or intricate designs around the CDs: the funkier the better. Attach together and hang. The best part? You can continue the memories by adding to your collection over time.
Photo source: makeitawonderfullife
6. Fish scale canvas
Care to add a little texture to your wall? You might want to try this fish scale wall canvas. Just cut out circles of poster board in your desired colour (you can spray paint these if you wish.) Apply these circles to your canvas, overlapping in layers. You will need to trim the outer circles straight to line up with the canvas.
Photo source: sheknows.com
7. Geometric colours
Add an accent colour to your room with this technique. Using painting tape, tape off sections of a canvas in an abstract geometric pattern. Paint over the tape, let dry, and peel away to reveal a dynamic linear display.
Photo source: http://thenewdomestic.com/
8. Magazine custom quote
For a customizable, colourful quote, try this magazine project. Using old magazines and a canvas, tear up pages of the magazines and glue them over the surface. To encourage texture, there’s no need to be careful or formulaic in your gluing. Use the prettiest magazine pages where you intend to place your words. Next, spell out your phrase using adhesive lettering. To get your phrase to fit correctly, line up the last letter of each word first. Finally, paint over the entire canvas in white using a sponge brush, let dry, and remove your letters to reveal your quote.
Photo source: www.six2eleven.net