Home & Garden
Surprising items to never take into the kitchen

Keeping your kitchen clean may seem like a never ending task at times, what with constant food preparation and other crumb and mess producing activities taking place all day long. There’s a difference however between a “messy” kitchen and a “dirty” kitchen with the latter providing a breeding ground for nasty germs and harmful bacteria. Here’s what to ban now for a cleaner, healthier kitchen space in a snap.
1. Sponges – You’ve probably heard it before but the kitchen sponge is a breeding ground for bacteria. Keep yours spick and span with a weekly soak and wash in bleach followed by a dry in the sun and chuck them out once they start to show signs of wear and tear.
2. Shabby re-usable grocery bags – If your reusable grocery bags are starting to show their age, it may be time to replace them. Your bags can harbour plenty of bacteria from the loads of groceries you use them for. A quick wash and dry can help solve the problem and prolong the life span of your bags.
3. Your mobile – Your mobile phone is crawling with germs. Taking it into the kitchen while cooking is a sure fire way to transfer the yuckiness to your food. Try and keep your device out of the kitchen or if you need it for cooking, set it somewhere away from the food and wipe your hands and device down with an antibacterial wipe after you’ve finished cooking.
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4. Pet food – While keeping your dog or cat food in the house can help prevent outdoor pest problems, the kitchen isn’t the place for food bowls. If their food sits out for a longer period of time it can attract indoor pests and create a less than appealing smell. Try moving your feeding station to the laundry for a more sanitary solution.
5. Your handbag – Similar to your mobile, your handbag is literally covered in grime. Think about where you take it on a daily basis! Keep it out of the kitchen when and where possible.
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