Home & Garden
Clever tips to cut ironing time in half

If pulling out the ironing board and tackling a big load of wrinkled clothes gives you a headache it might be time to try one (or more!) of these clever, time saving tricks for clothes that almost iron themselves.
1. A quick steam – If you’ve got a pile of wrinkled shirts but next to no time to iron them, grab a flannel/small hand towel and run it under the tap. Chuck it into the dryer with your washing and run for 10 to 15 minutes. The steam produced by the damp cloth will help steam out wrinkles and leave clothes looking sharp.
2. Shake things up – While it’s tempting to throw all your clothes straight into the dryer without a second thought, spending a couple of minutes shaking out twists and clumps mean you’re far more likely to remove a relatively smooth load later on as opposed to one with creases “dried” in.
3. Check your temps – A lower temperature and slower spin helps to minimize wrinkles, especially in cotton clothes. Try to choose the ‘normal’ setting on your machine when and where possible.
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4. Move quickly on the dry load – Leaving dry clothes to sit in the dryer is a recipe for wrinkles. Try and remove clothes as soon as they’re finished or choose an extended tumbling cycle as this will keep clothes moving in intervals to stop creases forming.
5. Get savvy with your folding – Fold jumpers and t-shirts into thirds before putting away. This prevents a crease forming down the middle.
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