Home & Garden
Dirtiest items in your home (and how to clean them)

You scrub the toilet bowl meticulously, wipe down your kitchen bench every evening and vacuum the carpet with precision. But some of the dirtiest items in your home may be the ones you don't often think of cleaning.
Here is a list of some of the filthiest items in your home with a few tips on how to clean them:
Cleaning equipment
How often do you clean your cleaning utensils? If your answer was not often enough, you're not alone. Sponges, cloths and scrub brushes are responsible for wiping up the biggest messes in your home, and these utensils are often one of the most germ-infested areas, with their damp material being a breeding ground for mould.
To keep clean, be sure to rinse the utensil in hot water, wring out and leave to dry on a rack after every use and launder them every couple of days or when they start to smell. Most importantly, be sure to toss out sponges, cloths or rags every few weeks.
Whenever we move into a different room of the house, we transfer any of the germs on our hands to the various doorknobs we touch. If left unclean, this results in the doorknob becoming one of the filthiest items in the house. To clean, use a cloth and hot, soapy water to wipe down, either weekly or as needed.
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Kitchen sink drain
The drain of your kitchen is filled with bacteria, with germ growth encouraged thanks to the combination of food scraps and moisture. Many experts believe the average kitchen sink is actually dirtier than your toilet seat. To ensure your drain is as germ free as possible, pour a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar, finish by letting the mixture sit for a minute and then pour a kettle of boiling water down the drain. Use this inexpensive and eco-friendly cleaning method at least once a week and your drain should be in pristine condition.
The average person uses the electronic devices in their home numerous times in a day, resulting in a large amount of bacteria building up on your remotes and keyboards. For example, the Wall Street Journal found the average mobile phone has up to 30,000 colony-forming units of bacteria. To ensure these devices are kept as clean as possible, swab your remote, keyboard, mouse and your mobile phone (including its cover), once a week with a well wrung-out disinfectant wipe.
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Base of the toilet
We all make sure to scrub the toilet seat and bowl. However, many people forget to clean the base of the toilet and surrounding floor, which, is surprisingly one of the filthiest areas of the bathroom (particularly if you have small children or men in the house). To keep this area clean, be sure to wipe down the base whenever you clean the toilet and mop the surrounding floor at least once a week.
First appeared on Stuff.co.nz.
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