Ben Squires


Great conversation starters for any situation

Great conversation starters for any situation

Small talk can be difficult for some people, yet it can mean the difference between a great night out and an awkward night sitting in the corner. 

Being able to break the ice with people you don’t know at a party or work event is a great skill to have. It can lead to new friendships and great connections with people that you may have otherwise missed out on.

Try these suggested questions to get the ball rolling. Often people like to be asked questions about themselves, and once they get talking they feel more comfortable with you as well.

Where are you from? This can be a great way to find some common ground, especially if you know someone from the same area or have visited the town yourself.

Are you a cat or dog person? Pet owners tend to be pet lovers, so get them talking about their furry friends to get the conversation flowing.

What would be your ideal job? You could even suggest that they answer with time or money being no issue – you might find out they want to be an astronaut.

Have you lived anywhere overseas? This can really open up a discussion, as many people have great stories about their travels.

Have you been to any good restaurants lately? This can be a great one as it can be fun to find out about new places to dine.

What's the best movie you’ve seen this year? This really gives you an insight into their personality. You might find yourself a sci-fi fan to go and see the next Star Wars with.

Have you got any recommendations for a new TV series to get into? A nice open ended question like this will help even a shy person to start talking.

Have you seen anyone in concert lately? This is a great one for a group conversation as it is open enough for anyone to answer.

Do you have anything fun planned this weekend? Talking about future plans makes people feel comfortable. Share your plans too.

What’s the best place for a good pizza around here do you think? People love sharing local tips and advice, and you might find out about a good place to eat too.

I like your dress, where’s that from? People love to be complimented and it can take the conversation in a new direction about fashion or shopping.

Who sings this song? Talking about music can be an easy way to open up discussions with someone next to you at a bar.

Where did you have your best holiday? Remembering something nice like this makes people feel happy and they will most likely want to share a few stories.

Did you hear about what’s happening with that celebrity (pick something funny from the news)? It’s good to avoid politics and religion, but having a laugh with someone about something you’ve seen on the news can get a dialogue happening.

This is a great bar, have you been here before? Sure it’s a bit generic, but sometimes starting the chat is the hardest part.

Have you ever met a celebrity? This is one that people love to boast about, so will get them talking right away. 

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