7 things all happy couples do

Simple habits ensure a strong, happy marriage that will stand the test of time. How many of these do you do?
1. Give your full attention
This is often overlooked when you’ve been together for most of your adult life but make an effort to listen – actually listen – when your partner speaks. Giving your loved one your full and undivided attention shows them that you see them as important and value what they have to say. It means making eye contact, nodding your head and not interrupting with your two cents.
2. Make intimacy a priority
Staying intimate and romantically connected will strengthen your bond and connection. It doesn’t necessarily have to be sexual (although sex sure does put spark in a relationship) but showing love by regular touching, hugging and so on are physical reminders to your partner that you love them.
3. Minding your Ps and Qs
After years together couples tend to be so comfortable around each other they might sometimes forget their manners. But those small acts of kindness like asking how your day was, making tea for the other, helping out with chores goes a long way.
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4. Compliment often
Tell your partner why you are happy to have them in your life. Say thank you. Start and end the day with “I love you.” Happy couples don’t stop complimenting and courting just because you’ve reached a certain anniversary.
5. Do things together
It’s quite common for many couples to develop different interests in their retirement but happy couples still have their shared interests. It may mean that you will have to give your partner’s new hobby a chance, even if you believe you’ll hate it. Doing something together can only strengthen a bond and generally far more important than fighting over small things like hobbies. So give golf a go, try going to the opera or go on that cruise.
6. Look for the positives
When you’ve been married for most of your life, let’s face it: the little things can get on your nerves. Happy couples focus on the things their partner does right, not what they did wrong. Small transgressions should be forgiven when in doesn’t affect the big picture.
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7. Have fun
Happy couples only need each other to have fun because if you can’t have fun with your partner, then who else can you do it with? Whatever it is you do to have fun, do more of it!
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