Alex O'Brien

Retirement Life

85-year-old Navy veteran learns to tap-dance

85-year-old Navy veteran learns to tap-dance

Arne Malaya, a US Navy veteran, is proving that it’s never too late to learn a new skill – in this case, tap dancing! According to Robin Lind, owner of a Minnesota dance studio, Arne was brought in by his wife of 54 years, Carol, who explained that learning to tap dance was on his bucket list.

“He’s always enjoyed the movies with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers,” Carol Mayala told USA Today. Arne finally decided to give it a shot himself after he spotted the dance studio below the accounting firm where he had a tax appointment.

Lind says she shared photos of Arne on Facebook and received overwhelming feedback. Though Arne’s first lesson was hindered by a fall he had suffered earlier in the day, Lind explains that it didn’t stop him from enjoying himself. “It just really touched my heart in seeing him go from having a bad day and what dance can do,” she said.

After seeing Arne’s joy when he dances, Lind decided to start a dance class at the local aged care facility where her mother lives. “We all just want to feel special and important in some way.”

As for Arne’s wife, she waits anxiously after each lesson in the lobby of the studio. “I’m very nervous for him. I can’t stand to watch it.”

After watching the video, I think you’ll agree with me – Arne’s got some moves!

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