Georgia Dixon

A book nerd’s guide to creating the perfect reading nook

Every book lover has one – a special place in the home where you can curl up with a great book and know you will be undisturbed (God willing) for an hour or two.

For me, it’s an old cane chair in a corner of the living room beside a pretty window seat. There's a shelf for a glass of wine or long black, plenty of natural light and a leafy view of distant trees.

I have created such a spot in every house I have lived in, and the family know to keep away when it's quiet time.

Here’s a collection of ideas that we have compiled from a variety of places that may inspire you to put a little effort into creating your own magical reading corner where you can be guaranteed to be transported to some place far away, be it Hogwarts School with Harry Potter, a corn field with Jack Reacher or a Spanish bullring with Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley.

Take a look though the gallery above. We've even included a couple of special items to make the experience that much more worthwhile.

Tell us in the comments below, do you have a reading nook? What makes it the perfect place for you to kick back and relax?

Written by Colleen Hawkes. First appeared on

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home, nook, books, Reading, design