Danielle McCarthy

The simple way to digitise your CD collection

Just like cassette tapes before them, compact discs are steadily losing their grip on the music world, with many people opting for the space-friendly option of digital downloads or streaming services. But what should you do with all of those CDs you already own, which are taking up valuable space on shelves, in cupboards, or even in the roof? The answer sounds scary, but is surprisingly simple in practice: digitise your music collection.

With every computer coming pre-installed with some kind of media player, digitising your CDs is a relatively easy process, albeit a potentially time consuming one.

Before you begin you’ll want to make sure your computer is connected to the internet, and ensure your CD drive is in good working order (some newer laptops come without CD drives, which means you’ll need to pick up an external drive – they’re relatively inexpensive). Once you’ve made those checks, you’re ready to begin.

Your safest option is to buy some kind of external hard drive, which is a great way to keep valuable data from the dangers of viruses or corruption. You should be able to pick up a terabyte hard drive for less than $100, which should be ample space for your collection (though if you speak to a salesperson about what you’re doing and how many CDs you have, they could offer guidance on how much space you’ll need).

Once you have an external hard drive connected, simply navigate to your computer’s Music folder (usually found near the “My Computer”/“Devices” folders – try typing Music into your computer’s search function if you’re having trouble finding it). Drag the entire folder to the external hard drive icon (usually appears right on your desktop), and wait for it to finish copying.

And just like that, your music collection is digitised and safe.

Which CD in your collection do you prize above the rest?

music, simple, collection, way, digitise, CD