
10 technology commandments

  1. Thou shalt clear thy browser history: It's pretty simple step, but all-important. Particularly as you never know when someone will want to borrow your laptop.
  2. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's technology: This includes inappropriate thoughts about said neighbour’s iPad mini, new smart -phone, nor any other technological wonder that belongs to him/her. Pursue new devices.
  3. Thou shalt not mix up contacts: It’s basically the difference between texting something funny or private to your sister and eternal shame.
  4. Thou shalt remember, thy phone does not belong in the toilet: What is it with phones and loos anyway?
  5. Thou shalt not open dodgy emails: No matter how much you want to buy that AMAZING weight-loss medication from India, DON’T OPEN THAT EMAIL! It’s all lies!
  6. Thou shalt take care on Facebook: When it comes to social embarrassment, Facebook seems to be the social network of choice.
  7. Thou shalt not reply all: Reply all IS the devil in disguise. One casual click of a button and suddenly you've sent your entire address book that embarrassing story from your weekend's antics.
  8. Thous shalt turn off autocorrect: Disguised as a godsend or clever little function, yet somehow autocorrect causes more embarrassment than it's worth.
  9. Thou shalt not throw devices across the room: Because you never know, you might just need to turn it off and back on again.
  10. Thou shalt not set up a wacky email address: Ok it might be funny for around about a week, but less so for the years to come and when you realise you can’t email the Red Cross seeking volunteer work from sixtyandsexy@hotmail.com, at which point you’ll have to change it. So you may want to keep in mind, getting a new passport is easier than getting a new email address this day in age.

Image: Getty Images

technology, computer, phone, joke