Georgia Dixon

4 tricks to help you charge your iPhone faster

Poor battery life is one of the most common issues for iPhone users. Even the newest model of iPhone, the 6s, is not immune from churning through the power at a rapid rate. Here are four tricks to help you retain battery power and/or charge up faster when you need it.

  1. Switch to airplane mode – This turns off your phone’s Wi-Fi and mobile radios, and also closes applications that need these features to run in the background. All this contributes to more energy saving and faster recharging.
  2. Turn your phone face down – Keeping your iPhone facedown stops your screen from lighting up every time you have a notification, a feature called Facedown Detection. This can improve your battery life by up to an hour.
  3. Charge your phone at room temperature – The iPhone has a lithium-ion battery that can become stressed when exposed to temperatures above 30°C. This can diminish its lifespan.
  4. Switch to low-power mode – This isn’t as effective as using airplane mode, but it still helps speed up the charging process by disabling battery-draining features like Siri and automatic downloads.

Do you have any smartphone tips you’d like to share? Let us know in the comment section below.

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Technology, smartphone, iphone, charging, fast