Danielle McCarthy

These apps are draining your phone’s battery

Nothing quite annoys like a dying phone, but users might not realise some apps kill the battery quicker than others?

AVG Technologies released their top power-stealers on Android devices, and it's no surprise that Facebook topped the list.

And no it's not because of incessant likes, newsfeed scrolling or flicking through pictures. The social media drains a phone's juice because it's busy recording background activity, even if you disable settings such as background refresh.

Facebook iOS developer Jonathan Zdziarski has said the app's location tracking could also be to blame.

He even tweeted the "ridiculous amount of analytics alone in Facebook should be enough to drain your battery, never mind location sharing".

So if you're wanting to save some juice, uninstall the app and bookmark the mobile site.

Facebook was followed by start-up apps Google Play and BBM (the standard messenger app). Spotify streaming also sucked the life out of phones and directly impacted storage capacity and data consumption.

However, the most notable feature on the list was the rise of Snapchat as the top user-run app that kills a phone's power.

It's understandable. All that fun barfing up rainbows and morphing into goggle-eyed chipmunk would cost a lot in battery life.

Amazon shopping was the user-app runner-up (with millions of products on there, customers are bound to spend a bit of power updating, loading and racking up activity info).

The study looked at all the top battery and data-consuming apps running on Android smartphones and tablets, using data from over one million anonymous Android app users. 


The top battery drainers run by users were Samsung WatchON, Snapchat, Amazon Shopping UK, BBC News and Walmart.

But the rankings for apps affecting overall performance which were run at start-up of the phone were:

  1. Facebook
  2. Google Play
  3. Services,
  4. Facebook Pages Manager
  5. BBM Words with Friends 
  6. Instagram

And those same rankings, except for apps run by the user, were

  1. Snapchat
  2. Amazon Shopping UK
  3. Spotify Music
  4. LINE: Free calls & messages
  5. Samsung WatchON
  6. Netflix

What are your thoughts?

Republished with permission of Stuff.co.nz

Technology, battery, apps, phone, draining