Ben Squires

The WhatsApp scam you need to know about

Millions of WhatsApp users are being warned about a scam email circulating on the popular app that will install a virus on phones.

Cybercriminals have designed a WhatsApp specific virus that affects both iPhones and Android devices. The scam comes in the form of an email and looks like a legitimate source. If you open the email though, a virus will infiltrate your phone.

Don’t fall for sneaky subject lines like “new voice message,” “an audio memo was missed,” “a brief audio recording has been delivered” and “a short vocal recording was obtained”.

If you use WhatsApp, remember that all voice memos, audio memos, recordings and notifications will be received in the app only.

“Cybercriminals are becoming more and more like marketers, trying to use creative subject lines to have unsuspecting emails be clicked and opened to spread malware,” said Fatih Orhan, a director of Comodo Antispam Labs.

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Technology, safety, virus, phones, WhatsApp