Alex O'Brien

10 health problems you must not ignore

We humans are a resilient bunch, and often find ourselves ignoring little niggles and health issues. But just because you can solider on doesn’t mean you should. Here are 10 health problems, often-ignored, that could be the sign of something more serious. 

1. Sudden weight loss

Many people would welcome dropping a couple of kilos, sometimes this can signal the onset of serious sign thyroid problems or a number of other chronic diseases.

2. Jaw discomfort

Jaw discomfort shouldn’t be dismissed as a simple ache. It can be the sign of tonsillitis, serious dental infection or a range of serious conditions that must be addressed.

3. Bloated stomach

Bloated stomachs be signal a range of health issues from anxiety to irritable bowel syndrome, but can also highlight serious health problems stemming from a poor diet.

4. Constant tiredness

If you perpetually feel sapped of energy, you could be suffering from a serious iron deficiency. These conditions can lead to substantial heart and lung problems.

5. Dizziness

While dizziness can be a relatively vague symptom to track and diagnose, it could also be a sign of sometime more serious including heart disease and anaemia.

6. Blood clots under your nails

If you notice these you should consult a GP immediately, as they can signal a range of serious conditions like blood infections and even skin cancer. 

7. Tingling sensation in your fingertips

This feeling is easily ignored, but could signal the onset of a range of conditions like diabetes, thyroid problems, a vitamin B12 deficiency or even carpel tunnel syndrome.

8. Sores that take too long to heal

So often tiny sores are dismissed as simple spots, but they can actually signal something serious like melanomas or diseased stemming from a poor immune system.

9. Sharp abominable pains

If abominable pains are accompanied by other symptoms like fever, swelling, or tenderness it could be a sign that you’re actually suffering from something more serious.

10. Sudden changes in vision

Changes in vision can signal a number of health problems, which may require urgent attention. It’s best to report this symptom to your GP as soon as possible.

Were you aware you had to be on the lookout for these health problems? Let us know in the comments below.

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insurance, health, sick, illness, problems