
5 ways to fall even more head over heels in love with life

If you feel like you are just getting through the day, and life has become more about surviving than living – you are not alone. For so many people, living a life of making do has become the norm.

Many fail to see that the ability to love their own life comes from within. Rather than thinking that we are a victim of fate and circumstance, it’s time to take the power back and live a life of action and good intentions.

So if you want to fall head over heels in love with your life, follow our five steps below.

1. Do more of what you love doing, and less of the things you hate

This might seem like a no-brainer, but the key to being happier is to do more of what you love. For so long we’ve been led to believe that life is hard, and tough, and you have to do what you can to get through it. But in fact we all have the power within us to do more of what makes us feel good. The time to act is now.

2. Start following your heart, not your head

It’s too easy to let your head make all of your decisions, which can often mean you choose the less risky options (and in turn, these can produce less rewards). Let your heart take the lead instead. It is tuned in to love, so by letting it lead your life you will bring more love in. Ask yourself what you heart is telling you to do, and go for it. 

3. Have fun and be playful

Children are hard wired to be active, to play and seek pleasure. As we age we seem to lose this natural rhythm. We get bogged down in our to-do lists of jobs and responsibilities and this means that fun often gets shelved. Let your inner child decide what makes you feel good, have a giggle, and enjoy the moment. Life is sure to feel better if you do.

4. Reach out to similar people

Being surrounded by people that make you feel good and inspired is a sure fire way to improve your life for the better. Join a community that nurtures you and your interests, and makes you a better person than you could be on your own. Whether that’s a sports group, a cooking club, or an online connection – your friends can help you reach your true potential.

5. Don’t put things off until tomorrow

Instead of thinking that you will start next week, the time is now to make the changes in your life for the better. There will always be a reason not to do what makes you feel good, but if you prioritise yourself you will find that the end result is well worth it.

So what are you waiting for? If it’s “a sign” you’re after here it is – do it now. Write your novel, travel the world, start your online business or sell your house in the city and move to the beach. Ditch the excuses and do what you need to do to live your best life possible, from today.


life, finance, insurance, health, love, wellbeing, happy, Lee Price