"Do not lose heart": Trump party plea after finding uncounted votes

Thousands of votes have been discovered on memory cards in Georgia, with the majority believed to be voting for President Donald Trump.
However, the amount of votes was not enough to overcome Trump's deficit in the state.
Trump continues to contest the results of the 2020 presidential election, which saw Joe Biden elected as President instead of Trump.
Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party David Schafer said election monitors had discovered a memory card containing votes that had not been uploaded.
“Walton County election officials have found a memory card that was apparently not uploaded. The number of uncounted votes is not as large as in Floyd or Fayette but the President will pick up votes,” he said.
The head of Arizona's Republican Party has insisted that the election is "far from over".
“Do not lose heart,” Arizona Republican Party chairwoman Dr Kelli Ward said in a video message on Monday.
“Do not allow the negativity and the fake news to bring you down. Arizona is in this fight 100 per cent. We are out to make sure that our elections in our state have integrity.”
Dr Ward said she was working "hand-in-hand" with the Trump campaign.
“So stay strong, stay firm, understand that this election is far from over,” she said.
“We do not have a president-elect at this time. States have not certified elections, and that’s what makes a president-elect – not the media, not the pundits, not the talking heads, not the fake news.”
On Monday, Trump hailed a “big victory” in Clark County, Nevada after election officials threw out the results of a county commissioner race due to voting “discrepancies”.
“Big victory moments ago in the state of Nevada,” the President tweeted.
“The all Democrat County Commissioner race, on same ballot as President, just thrown out because of large scale voter discrepancy. Clark County officials do not have confidence in their own election security. Major impact!”
The Clark County Commission cited the narrow 10-vote margin between Democrat Ross Miller and Republican Stavros Anthony as well as a range of discrepancies, including people who voted twice.
“We have found discrepancies that we can’t explain that would cast a doubt on whether or not that margin of victory is solid,” Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria told commissioners.
“That’s the only race in the entire election we have any concern related to the outcome. And it’s because of the margin.”