Alex Cracknell
Money & Banking

Diary worth over $50,000 found in mother's attic

The world of diaries often holds a realm of personal musings and daily chronicles, but for one fortunate woman, a hidden treasure in her mother's attic turned out to be far more valuable than she ever imagined.

In a captivating episode of Antiques Roadshow, an unsuspecting woman sought the expertise of the renowned Richard Price, presenting him with a diary that held not just sentimental value but an astonishing historical significance.

With a sense of anticipation in her voice, she began, "We believe that it is the transcript of the diary written by one of the Shackleton expedition crew members aboard the Endurance."

This remarkable artefact had been handed down to her father 45 years earlier and had subsequently resided in her mother's attic, concealed beneath layers of dust beside an old television set.

The Shackleton expedition, set against the stark backdrop of Antarctica, unfolded in the year 1915. The woman eloquently narrated the captivating tale, "That was the famous expedition that got stuck in the ice, and the crew members survived on the ice for a number of months. Then they made a journey in the lifeboats to Elephant Island, and Shackleton, along with five others, embarked on a perilous voyage to South Georgia as a rescue party.

"They managed to secure a ship to retrieve the remaining men stranded on the ice. Astonishingly, every member of the expedition survived, a testament to their incredible resilience."

This remarkable diary bore witness to the harrowing journey and contained invaluable insights into the crew's survival tactics, including details of their sustenance during their ordeal.

Price, the seasoned expert, meticulously examined the diary's condition. While a few pages had become detached from the spine, the document was, for the most part, remarkably well-preserved.

However, one crucial mystery lingered – the identity of the diary's author remained elusive. Recognising the importance of this missing puzzle piece, Price urged the woman to seek out an expert capable of uncovering the writer's identity, emphasising that this revelation could significantly enhance the diary's value.

As the moment arrived for the much-anticipated valuation, Richard declared, "I'm just going to say off the top of my head, £30,000 (over $50,000)."

The room fell into a collective state of shock, with audible gasps emanating from the captivated audience. The guest herself was visibly taken aback by the astronomical figure.

Despite the woman's earnest efforts to safeguard this extraordinary document over the years, Price issued a stern warning, "I don't want it back under your bed or wherever it was before. You must go to Cambridge to let the real experts work on it."

In the end, this unassuming diary, tucked away for decades in an attic, not only unveiled an epic Antarctic adventure but also carried an unexpected fortune, proving that sometimes, the most extraordinary treasures are hidden in the most unlikely places.

Images: Antiques Roadshow / 9Now

Antiques Roadshow, Shackleton