Michelle Reed

6 signs you need more sleep

On an ideal night, we’d settle into bed and have eight hours of uninterrupted bliss, but that’s not always a reality. So, how do you know if you’re getting enough sleep?

These surprising signs mean you could be sleep deprived.

Sign 1: You get tipsy easily

A lack of sleep can magnify the effects alcohol has on your body. If you find that you’re feeling more tipsy than usual, it might be your body’s way of telling you to get more rest.

Sign 2: You’re constantly run down

Sleep allows our body to rest and restore itself. While you’re asleep, the body produces cytokines which help defend against inflammation and infection. Without sleep, you could be depriving your body of the chance to repair itself.

Sign 3: You struggle to remember things

While it may seem like the body shuts down while asleep, it’s actually processing the events of the day. Those lacking in sleep may find it harder to recall things and process new information.

Sign 4: You’re hungrier than usual

When you’re sleep deprived your body produces a hunger hormone called grehlin. It can make you crave high fat and sugary foods, which, when coupled with the slower metabolism from lack of sleep, can cause weight gain.

Sign 5: You fall asleep instantly

Dozing off as soon as your head touches the pillow might seem like a good thing but it could actually be a sign that your body is exhausted. If you notice sleep irregularity or have concerns about insomnia or sleep deprivation, see your local GP.

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sleep, sleeping, body