Ben Squires

Is there enough collagen in your diet?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body and provides the foundation of our bones, skin cartilage, blood vessels, hair and much more.

But with modern food processing, it’s difficult to get enough from our food.

As we age our ability to produce collagen on our own diminishes and many people consider supplementing their diets with the protein.

Here are four potential benefits of upping your collagen intake:

1. Minimise the signs of aging

Collagen has been known to reverse some of the signs of ageing, such as fine lines, deep wrinkles and reduce elasticity as this 2014 clinical study shows.

2. Improve digestion

Collagen supports hydrochloric acid production in our stomachs, which makes it easier to digest food. It can also help repair sensitive lining in our digestive systems.

3. Support restful sleep

Collagen contains a small, nonessential amino acid called glycine. Studies have found this to be effective in calming the nervous system, to improve sleep quality.

4. Strengthen hair and nails

Collagen is the foundation of your hair and nails, and regular collagen intake can lead to hair and nails that grow notably faster and tend to be stronger and more luscious. 

Related links:

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diet, health, food, body, Collagen