Georgia Dixon

Does crossing your legs cause varicose veins?

It’s the catchcry of mothers around the world – “Stop crossing your legs, you’ll get varicose veins!” But is there any truth to the rumour? HuffPost Australia spoke to Dr Mark Malouf, president of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Phlebology to find out.

“The short answer is no, it does not,” he revealed. “However, sitting for long periods of time, with legs crossed or not, if you already have varicose veins can worsen the situation because the blood sitting around in those varicose veins can pool and slow down, and may develop a clot (called ‘thrombosis’).”

So we can all breathe a sigh of relief there, but why is it that some people are so much more prone to them than others? “Men and women both suffer from varicose veins, but much more so in women,” says Dr Malouf. “Many patients suffer symptoms from their varicose veins while others do not.

“The main reason people develop varicose veins is hereditary – mum or dad has them in 70 per cent of cases that I see. That goes for the large bulging grape-like varicose veins as well as the unsightly blue and red ‘spider veins’ that many women and some men find very distressing.”

So you can blame your parents for your unsightly veins, then! Thankfully, Dr Malouf explains, varicose veins and spider veins can be treated and even prevented. Here are a few preventative measures you can take today.

  1. Change your lifestyle – If you’re overweight or lead a sedentary lifestyle, your veins could be paying the price. To avoid vein issues, get moving, try not to sit or stand in the same place for too long and ensure you’re wearing supportive shoes.
  2. Take supplements – Your doctor may recommend oral Ventonics or Vento-active drugs which work to strengthen the walls of your veins, slowing deterioration of varicose veins.
  3. Get supported – Support stockings, socks and pantyhose reduce the backward blood flow to diseased varicose veins, slowing the process of enlargement and relieving symptoms such as swelling.

If you’re concerned about your varicose or spider veins, book a visit with your doctor – there are a number of treatments available, both surgical and non-invasive.

health, varicose veins, spider veins, veins, crossed legs