Melody Teh

This is why you should never use a lipstick tester

A US woman claims she contracted herpes after using a lipstick tester in a cosmetics stores, the New York Daily News reports.

In a lawsuit filed on Thursday, Elena Davoyan says she was diagnosed with oral herpes not long after using the tester in a Los Angeles store in 2015.

The California resident also said she’d never had a cold sore or any other symptom of herpes simplex 1 before entering the store.

Davoyan is suing for “liability, negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligent infliction of emotional distress for an ‘incurable lifelong affliction’,” according to the Daily News.

She believes there “numerous simple solutions” make-up retailers should use to prevent the spread of disease through lipstick samples.

However, infectious diseases experts say the woman most likely did not get herpes from a lipstick tester.

Speaking to Newsweek, Dr Amesh Adalja said herpes simplex 1 doesn’t survive well outside of the human body, but adding that you would more likely contract a cold, flu or staph or strep virus from a communal lipstick.

Dr Adalja advises people against applying make-up testers to mucous membranes like the lips or eyes, as they serve as an entry point for germs.

He adds that although some stores provide tissues and other products for customers to wipe the surface of testers, it isn’t necessarily going to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria.

If you’re desperate to sample a lipstick before you buy it, Dr Adalja advises it is best to swipe the product on your hand instead of your lips.


Beauty and Style, Lipstick, body