Ben Squires

Andy Murray makes shock Australian Open decision

One of the tennis world’s brightest stars won’t be gracing Rod Laver arena this year, with the news that Andy Murray has officially pulled out of the Australian Open.

The 30-year-old Scot, who hasn’t played a competitive match of tennis since last year’s Wimbledon quarter final, is the biggest name to pull out of this year’s tournament.

Murray pulled out of the Brisbane International earlier this week, and feels his hip cannot withstand the pressures involved with competing in a major open.

Australian Open Tournament Director Craig Tiley said while some supporters would be disappointed, ultimately Murray had to do what is best for his health.

“We are fully aware that Andy has been going through a difficult period with his hip and that he's done everything possible to prepare for the Australian summer,” Tiley said.

“Personally, I also know that Andy loves tennis and would do anything to play. This is a very hard decision for Andy and we totally respect it.

“We wish him the absolute best on his road to recovery and look forward to having him back in Melbourne. He is a true champion and one of our favourites.”

The Australian Open remains one of the few tournaments to elude the two-time Olympic Gold Medallist’s grasp, having made the final in 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2016.

Are you disappointed Murray won’t be at the Tournament? Who do you think is going to win? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you. 

health, Tennis, caring, Australian Open, Andy Murray