Ben Squires

The best country to live out your life

It might seem like a morbid topic, but those who have seen loved ones need end-of-life care will appreciate how valuable the final stages of a person’s life is. A new study has revealed the best place in the world for the elderly to live and the results might surprise you.

The Quality of Death Index, commissioned by the Lien Foundation, conducted extensive research and interviews with over 120 palliative care experts from around the world. They ranked countries based on national health policies, community engagement and a number of other factors that influence an elderly person’s care.

The United Kingdom took out the number one position on the Quality of Death Index. The UK received the highest ranking due to a number of strong factors: comprehensive national policies, integration of palliative care into the National Health Services, a strong hospice movement and deep community engagement in the issue.

New Zealand came in as the third best country to spend your final days in. Australia came in at second, the United States ranked ninth, and Canada came in at number 11.

While wealthy European countries tended to populate the Index’s higher ranks, there were a few left-field countries. Panama, which came 31st on the list, was recognised for building palliative care into its primary care services, while Mongolia was ranked 28th, due to rapid growth in hospice facilities and teaching programs.

Tell us: what changes need to be made to our end-of-life care to see New Zealand reach the top spot?

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travel, death, elderly