Ben Squires

Top 10 brain-boosting apps

As we age, it’s important to not only work out our body, but also keep our mind in shape. If you find it increasingly difficult to recall facts or keep misplacing your keys, the answer may well be in the palm of your hand: apps.

Mind-boosting apps are a great way to improve memory, attention and problem solving skills. What’s more they’re fun, and even a bit addictive (I’m a good way!).

Give your mind a workout with these 10 brain boosting apps:

1. Boost your memory: Eidetic

Eidetic uses spaced repetition to help you memorize anything from birthday dates to interesting facts. It’s ideal if you’re struggling to remember something specific, like your daughters new phone number or your car number plate. The app notifies you when it’s time to test yourself and spaces out tests to help you retain the information.

2. If you’re stressed: Personal Zen

This app was developed by Dr Dennis and the researchers from Hunter College and the City University of New York. The concept is simple: players follow two animated characters as they burrow through a field of grass; one character is calm and friendly and the other which looks angry. The app supposedly reduces anxiety by training your brain to focus on the positive. Dr Dennis recommends using it daily or just before a stressful event to improve resilience.

3. If you’re competitive: Luminosity

If you’re the type who excels in a competitive environment, this app is a great option. Challenges are played against the clock and you can track and compare results with the community of over 70 million users worldwide. Think you’re better at problem solving then your partner? Game on.

4. Manage your mental health: ReliefLink

This award-winning app was initially designed for suicide prevention, but it can also be used as a mood tracker. Acting like a ‘MyFitnessPal’ for your mental health, the app includes coping methods and has a map to point out professionals close by who might be able to offer assistance.

5. If you want to be happier: Happify

It might seem odd to reach for an app to improve your happiness, by research shows that some activities can help overcome negative thoughts. This app includes quizzes, polls and a gratitude log to help build positive habits.

6. Improve mental agility: Fit Brains Trainer

With over 360 puzzles and games, this app aims to improve your mental agility with a series of tasks. Each session gets more difficult as you progress, giving you a sold brain workout.

7. Develop your ability to focus: Fit Brains

This clever app allows you to hone in on six key mental functions: focus, memory, speed, logic, visual and language. Acting like a personal trainer, it’ll get harder and also suggest ways to improve.

8. Hear better in crowded places: BrainHQ

Featuring attention, brain speed and intelligence exercises, this app claims to improve your hearing in crowded places, excel at work and boost a myriad of other areas of your life. The tools are aimed to keep you sharp and responsive.

9. Better your reading comprehension: Elevate

Elevate contains a series of short exercises that only take a few minutes each. You’re rewarded for accuracy and speed, and can track you progress along the way.

10. Improve your face memory: Mind Games

Mind Games uses the principles of cognitive psychology. It includes a ton of games that each focus on a different aspect, from face memory to attention training. It’s built for users of any age, and claims to be ideal for countering the effects of age on the brain.  

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health, brain, app, caring