Danielle McCarthy

If I had one hour to talk to anyone past or present, it would be…

Last month, we asked the Over60 community, “if you could sit on a bench and chat for one hour with anyone from the past or present, who would it be?” You absolutely blew us away with all your responses, so we thought we’d collect our favourites. Here’s what you had to say.

1. “Definitely my dad. He died way too soon. I still think about him all the time and how much I miss him. I would like him to know how much I still remember all the good things and how important it is to respect and love each other, especially our loved ones. There are so many special memories I will never forget.” – Sue Payne

2. “My first husband, lost him 34 years ago, I've never been really happy since then. No one can ever replace him. I still miss him so much.” – Emilie Cortez

3. “I would like to chat with me, as a young girl at 14 years old. I would talk to 'her' about the lessons I have learned in life and advise 'her' to appreciate what she has, for loved ones are with us for such a short time. I would tell 'her' how much she is loved and needed, to be strong and have confidence in herself and 'her' own abilities.” – Kathy Atkinson

4. “As much as I loved my parents, I would have to say my son who I lost coming up to eight years. The hardest part of losing him was that I never got to say goodbye. Never a day goes by without me thinking about him. They say that the pain gets easier, but believe me, it doesn't.” – Lorraine Greet

5. “My foster mum and dad. They both passed many years ago, but it would be so great to have an hour with them so I could let them know how very grateful I am that they chose me and how much I love them both.” – Sandy Whitlock

6. “My great-grandfather who emigrated from Ireland, to discover more about my heritage perhaps, as the destruction of Ireland's civil records in the 1916 uprising make it impossible to go back beyond Australian records.” – Shane Molloy

7. “My mum and dad. You don't realise until years later, there was a lot you didn't know about your parents, because they never talked about their problems, they kept it to themselves. Plus, there's a lot of things I wish I'd told them while they were alive.” – Dianne Mark

8. “If only I could sit with my late husband, to be able to say goodbye and tell him how much I loved him and what a hole has been left in my life without him.” – Helen Jackson

9. “I'd like to sit with my long-time bestie Karen. We need a face to face vent, gossip, chinwag. An hour wouldn't be long enough.” – Lynn Ashton

10. “Probably my late mate, and there wouldn't be too many spoken words, we went pretty close to knowing what each other was going to say.” – Carlo Ferluga

11. “I would say my grandmother. Such an interesting human being. A grandma that truly was there for us. She was so respected by all. As we grew up we all loved her even more. Miss you Nan, grateful for having had you in my life.” – Teresa Goyak

12. “It would be my twin sister. She has been gone 5 years now. I have just become a grandmother and she would have been so excited for me.” – Cheryl Spackman

Tell us in the comments below, if you could sit on a bench and chat for one hour with anyone from the past or present, who would it be?

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community, past, caring, Talk, chat