9 traits of emotionally strong people

Your mind is the most powerful tool you have – control it and you can shape your life the way you want it. And one of the most important aspects is emotional resilience. Here are 10 traits of emotionally strong people that you can emulate.
1. They reframe negative thoughts
Everyone has negative thoughts sometimes, but the key is not to let them overwhelm you. Rather than letting these thoughts drag you down, reframe them to a more positive perspective. Think of your internal voice as a trusted friend or helpful coach and use it to motivate yourself to succeed.
2. They are adaptable to change
It’s an inescapable fact of life – things aren’t always going to go your way. Instead of railing against it, be adaptable and open to change. Emotional strength allows people to accept change and adjust their own plans accordingly. Think of change as a positive process, rather than a negative one. It has the potential to introduce you to something you never thought possible.
3. They see the big picture
Emotionally strong people don’t let one setback colour their view of life. They appreciate that one negative does not outweigh all the positives. Seeing the big picture lets people put things in perspective and move on from a setback.
4. They practice gratitude
You’ll be amazed how being thankful for the good things you have – no matter how small – can filter into the rest of your life. Emotionally strong people recognise all that they have instead of thinking about what they don’t. It creates an environment of positivity within your life.
5. They accept that they’re wrong
No one gets it right 100 per cent of the time. Part of emotional strength is accepting that you don’t always have to be right and moving on from it. Acknowledging that you’ve made a mistake or being willing to change your opinion is a sign of emotional maturity.
6. They accept criticism
Don’t project a moral assumption onto criticism – very rarely is it a personal attack designed to wound you. Instead, think of criticism as a catalyst for change and growth. Accept that it isn’t meant with malice and that people are trying to help you succeed.
7. They focus on moving on
Many people, when faced with an obstacle, will become fixated on the obstacle itself rather than a solution. As the famous mantra goes, “grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” Rather than feeling powerless in the face of the obstacle, find a way to move around it and free yourself.
8. They express their needs to others
Never think that your needs are subservient to the needs of others. People tend to assume that they will be inconveniencing others by voicing their needs or that the needs of other people are more important. Whether they are emotional, physical or otherwise, you have a right to express your needs and have them met.
9. They allow themselves to feel pain
Emotional strength doesn’t mean never feeling sad or angry or frustrated. Heartbreak and disappointment are part of life, so allow yourself to feel them rather than suppress your emotions. Scream, cry or yell if you want to, just understand that these feelings don’t control you and that they will pass.
Related links:
How to cope with feelings of vulnerability
10 signs you’re too self-critical
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