Melody Teh

A 72-year-old’s moving poem on getting older

Jacqueline Steyn, 72, finds comfort in expressing herself in stories and poetry. It was not until she reached her seniors year, where age and live experience gave her the confidence and courage, that she began to showcase her writing.

Seasons of Life

I've reached the autumn of my life

Now little bits are falling

Boobies reaching for the ground

Ears not hearing when you're calling

My limbs have somewhat weakened

Golden hair has turned to grey

I think I hear speak to me

But I've forgotten yesterday


Flat tummy, tight bum

They're all things of the past

Brittle bones are part of me now

Just like this plaster cast

Four eyes not two help me read a book

My face has many wrinkles now

I'm looking bloody crook


When we are out walking

If I stumble and fall down

Will you reach out and help me

With a smile and not a frown

Will you look upon me as a nuisance

Or a treasure from the past

Or some fossilised old lady to gotten rid of fast

If you have a story to share please get in touch at

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health, ageing, mind, Community contributor, Poem, older, poetry