
Why you should never stop learning

Gandhi once said “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Learning is a lifelong journey and it’s no surprise that the most successful people in the world never stop learning. And there’s really never a better to learn something new in life! You don’t even need to leave the comfort of your own house if you don’t want too – the internet has certainly made it easy, you can study online or just look up a lesson on YouTube. It’s the new year so why not make it one where you challenge yourself to learn something new – it might be a magic trick to impress the grandkids, an course to expand the mind or a new language in preparation for a holiday. If you’re still not convinced, here are four more reasons why you should make 2015 a year of learning.

Keeps your mind healthy

Learning keeps your mind active, alert and most of all healthy. It was once believed that as we age the connections in our brains become fixed but research has shown that the brain continuously changes and creates new neural pathways throughout your life especially whenever something new is learned and memorised.

Prevents boredom

You know what they say about idle minds… so make an active effort to enrich your mind. Learning some new or even refreshing your mind on a topic gets you out of your comfort zone and adds a new dimension to the routine of everyday life. It keeps things interesting and you motivated and happy.

Better health

Greek philosopher Aristotle identified the difference between instant gratification and satisfaction that comes from constant activity and living life to the fullest. Research shows that people who have a greater sense of purpose and personal growth have a better immune system, lower cortisol level and sleep more soundly.

It keeps on rewarding

Learning is deeply rewarding for personal growth and success. You are not only feel productive but there’s a deep pleasure in finally mastering or accomplishing a task that cannot be compared to cheap thrills. Education is an investment in life and in life, it certainly always pays to know more. 

education, learning, New Year, 2015, Journey