Beauty & Style

Funny DIY beauty fails to brighten your day

The Internet: so full of information, how-tos and recipes that it’s a wonder how we got along without it. But for these hilarious beauty fails, it might just be time to close the Pinterest accounts, turn off the computers and go to bed.

1. Marble nails:

This nail art look might have looked good on paper, but it does not look good on the actual…skin….of your fingers. Nail polish remover, anyone?

2. “Straight” hair

This recipe explained that if you spray your hair with brown sugar mixed with water it would be straight by the time it dries. Given the ingredients, we can’t help but wonder if this one was a cruel practical joke.

3. Paper towel curls

This DIY method promised that with just a bit of paper towel, you can wake up with gorgeous, meticulous curls. Obviously, it lied.



4. Pop art makeup:

We’re not sure if this makeup look required more skill or more effort than the user had applied, but this DIY look did not work well in their favour.

5. Contouring:

Makeup contouring: maybe just leave it to your makeup artist.



6. Pop art nails:

Clearly pop art and nail art aren’t for beauty amateurs. This poor, brave soul tried to combine the two.

7. Koolaid lip tint:

This one sounds pretty hard to mess up: lip tint made from Kool-Aid …until you remember how sticky and bright Kool-Aid is and you wonder why anyone would willingly put it on their face.

8. Heart hair:

The end result of this hairstyle would have anyone feeling heartless.

Image sources: Pinterest/ Pintrosity/ Pinterstfail 

beauty, Beauty and Style, pinterest, Fail