Ben Squires
Beauty & Style

Simple ways to prevent chapped lips

When it comes to chapped lips, prevention is better than cure. Keep away from what causes chapped lips and you won’t need to come back to these tips again.

The trouble is, the conditions that cause chapped lips are everywhere. Being out in the sun, exposing your lips to cold and wind, dry air from air conditioners, being dehydrated, allergies and even the way you breathe can all cause the lips to become cracked, dry and sore.

Try these tips to keep chapped lips under control.

Put your tongue away

When your lips feel dry it can be a natural reaction to want to lick them to apply moisture. But in fact when the saliva evaporates it takes with it the natural oils that are present on your lips, making the dryness even worse.

Whip out the balm

Moisturise your lips with natural products such as almond oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter or bees wax.

Apply olive oil

Olive oil is a natural anti-inflammatory which can help heal your dry lips. Apply it three times a day for several days and you will notice the lips begin to feel much better.

Save your tea bags 

Tea contains antioxidant polyphenols which can help to repair the delicate skin on your lips. Simply press a wet black tea bag (that has been cooled – don’t burn yourself!) to your lips for 30 seconds. Do this 3 to 5 times per week when lips are very sore.

Exfoliate your mouth 

Keep your lips in good shape by removing dry or flaky skin. A simple way to do this is to use your toothbrush on your lips in the shower. Blot dry and then apply a natural balm to protect them. 

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beauty, make up, sun, Lips, chapped lips