Beauty & Style

Products you should NEVER put on your face

There are some products that, when applied to your face, will end up doing more harm than good.

1. Deodorant – It prevents your underarms from sweating, but if you had the idea to apply it anywhere on your face during hot summer months, don’t. Deodorant will clog the pores and potentially cause breakouts and irritation. If your face needs to sweat, let it.

2. Hair dye – Dying your hair a new colour but your eyebrows don’t match? You can use hair dye, right? Well, no. Hair dyes are often full of harsh chemicals that could damage (not to mention stain) your skin and should you get it in your eyes, could affect your vision. Get your eyebrows done professionally if you’re worried about them matching your hair.

3. Body lotion – Lotion is not a one size fits all. Moisturisers designed for your body are thicker than those for your face, which means they can clog your pores and cause unsightly breakouts. They also generally contain scents that could irritate your more delicate facial skin. Ideally, you should even be using separate products for your face and eye areas.

4. Vinegar – You may have heard that vinegar works well as a facial toner, but concentrated vinegar can burn your skin and eyes and dry them out.

5. Mayonnaise – Mayonnaise is renowned for its moisturising properties when applied to the hair, but when it comes to your face it’s incredibly comedogenic. If you plan on avoiding breakouts, avoid topical mayonnaise.

6. Shampoo – Men seem to love their 3-in-1 products, with shampoos that claim to double as conditioner, body wash, or even face wash. The thing is, shampoo should never be applied to the facial skin, even if you’re in a pinch. It strips your complexion of moisture and dries it out.

7. Lemon – You might think lemons might be a fair option for acne spot-treatment, but in reality, lemon juice is highly acidic. It can throw off the PH levels of your skin and cause irritation. Plus, if you spend time in the sun, it could even go so far as causing a chemical burn.

8. Toothpaste – This product is commonly thought to make a good pimple-drying treatment, but it’s actually doing nothing good for the rest face. Toothpaste can dry out your acne, but it will also dry out the skin around your blemishes and encourage scarring.

9. Sugar – While sugar makes a great exfoliator for the body and lips, it’s too coarse for your delicate visage. Such heavy exfoliation can cause damage and eventually, premature aging.

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