Rachel Fieldhouse
Beauty & Style

This $2 fix will save your feet next time you wear heels

Heels might make us look great and feel confident, but they can come at a cost to our hardworking feet, namely aches, pains, and even blisters.

Rachel Clinkard, who works at family-run shoe retailer Charles Clinkard, is all too familiar with this situation - and she’s got an easy fix she swears works wonders.

She says that all you need is a $2 roll-on deodorant, as reported by The Mirror.

Clinkard claims that by applying some deodorant to the areas of your feet you think will rub while in heels, it will create a barrier between your skin and the shoe and help to prevent chafing.

This hack can replace bandaids, plasters and other products like gel inserts.

With deodorant going a long way, each application will be significantly cheaper than many of the alternatives too. Plus they smell great too! 

Image: Getty Images

Beauty & Style, Heels, Hack, Sore Feet