Michelle Reed
Beauty & Style

The surprising fix that will make you look younger in an instant

Surprisingly, tending to your teeth is the number one way to turn back the clock. The good is news there are things you can do at home, without having to spend hours (and hundreds) in the chair to make sure your teeth look shiny and new.

When you meet someone, one of the firs things you notice is their smile. And as teeth are the brightest feature on your face, thus, they contribute to your radiance and have a big impact in making you look youthful and vice versa.

And while as we age our hair gets whiter, sadly our teeth do not. Stained teeth are the result of some of life’s most pleasurable pastimes: drinking coffee, sipping red wine or dining 
on curry. But discoloured teeth are also one of the fastest ways to hike up your perceived age. Due to the outermost layer of tooth enamel thinning as we age, it exposes the inner dentin, which has a yellowish hue. While this is unavoidable, things can be done about it!

The fix:
The first port of call is investing in some whitening strips – but you should not use these more than twice per year. After all, you don’t want translucent teeth. And if your discolouration is quite bad, you might want to consider booking in to see your dentist for a professional clean, polish and or whitening.

The emergency fix: Blue-based lipsticks (think cherry reds) will tone down discolouration with one application. Now that’s something to smile about!

teeth, beauty, youth