Beauty & Style

Winter proof your complexion

Winter is here! From windy days to nights spent indoors by the heater (or fire, if you're lucky), these various conditions can be quite taxing on one's complexion. Lucikly with just a few little switches or targeted products, you can maintain great skin throughout the cooler months. 

    1. Do a swap – As we age - and even more so in winter - our skin is screaming out for us to ditch gel and foaming cleansers as they can be quite drying. Winter is a great time to make this switch and look for something that is creamed based of even a tissue-off cleanser. 

    2. Bye bye, toner – Over the cooler months your simply does not need an products that are going to strip you of your natural oils as these months of the year already tend to try skin out. So it's time to push the toners to the back of the cabinet.

    3. Use a day AND night cream – As the environment can cause havoc with our skin during winter, using both a targeted day and night cream is very beneficial. For day, you should look for something that a) is light and b) has and SPF of at least 20 - this way you are do eveything you can to protect and perfect your face. When it comes to night creams, look for something that is focussed on repair and nourishing the skin - as your skin will repair as you sleep and a cream with boost this power.  

    4. Lip TLC – I am sure we don't have to mention lipcare twice during winter. Everyone has fallen victim to chapped lips from time to time. Interestingly this is becuase, our lips don't have their own oil glands. We can go past pawpaw ointment.


winter, beauty, skincare, Beauty & Style, Naomi Cotterill