Alex O'Brien
Family & Pets

15 ways to encourage kids outdoors

Recent research has found that children spend up to 55 hours a week using electronic devices. This comes at the expense of other type of play, particularly outdoor activities. Encourage the kids in your life outside and away from the iPad with these nifty ideas.

  1. Go on a treasure hunt
  2. Create a scavenger hunt with prizes for the most unique object
  3. Go on a photo safari
  4. Plant or tend to a veggie garden
  5. Collect different objects from the outdoor environment and use them as part of craft activities
  6. Go for a walk or bike ride around your neighbourhood
  7. Go exploring on a rainy day. Puddle jumping essential!
  8. Get dirty – Mud pies and pits, sand castles, hand kids a shovel and they’ll be on their way
  9. Build a fort the traditional way with sheets, pillows and rods for structure
  10. Set up a tent and go camping in your backyard (either for the afternoon or overnight if you’re feeling brave!’)
  11. Watch the clouds and talk about the shapes they make
  12. Go foraging – If you live in an area that is naturally abundant, go for a wander and see what you can score!
  13. Climb a tree
  14. Start a rock collection together, and add to it every week!
  15. Create a nature notebook together and work on adding regular entries.

Related links:

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outdoors, grandchildren, grandparenting, Children