Danielle McCarthy
Family & Pets

Owners pen beautiful letters to their beloved dogs

Fur-Ever Loved by Ken Drake is a beautiful testament to the power of love we have for our best friend—the dog. A moving compilation of heartfelt letters written to furry family members from the humans who love them the most.

To the furriest pieces of my heart walking around, Nismo and Angel,

You guys make me feel like we’re living our own Groundhog Day, every single day. No matter how my day has gone, I am guaranteed to receive the same welcome home – an overabundance of unbridled love and excitement with a healthy dose of leg sniffing from you, Nismo, and the classic ‘I’m so excited I just can’t hide it so I’ll run around in a million circles’ dance from you, Angel – every… single… time. You’d think after all these years I’d have learned how to deal with the onslaught of two powerful little nuggets, but no, I just brace myself and hope for the best.

I sometimes think about the life you may have had if someone else had become your family. We’ve had some truly testing moments, and I’m not sure if others would have kept their ‘forever” promise to you. But it just confirms to me that you were always destined to be a part of our family, and I will be forever grateful for that.

Nismo, I love your soulful eyes; I could stare into them for days. I feel like they’ve experienced far more years than you’ve lived.

Angel, I love the way one ear always flops down and makes you look like butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth (not that it would ever have time to, Miss Speedy Eater). It reflects your eternally youthful personality perfectly.

Nismo and Angel, you are the best partners in crime for our family. You constantly top your human brothers’ best friend list, and you complete the love in all of our hearts. You won’t always be here (I’m still in denial about that) but you have changed my life forever. We all love you so very, very much.

Love you puppies,



Dear Chloe,

You came into our lives in July 2003, a white ball of fluff, with splashes of apricot colour if we looked closely and full of love and energy. Born in Armidale, a Maltese cross, your playful nature of all things crazy, made you a perfect fit for our family. I remember you running head first under the fish tank stand so many times, hitting your head on the way in – but always coming back out for more fun.

One storm-filled day, lightning struck a tree on our property and caught fire. You were sitting on my lap at the time and we all jumped and screamed a little. From that day on, you were scared of storms, but you could also tell us when they were on their way! You saved us numerous times from snakes with that familiar deep growl – we owe you our lives.

It didn’t take long for you to show us your trade mark – your very large white ears; so large in fact that the vet called you the rare white eared bat! We didn’t care, we just loved you every minute of the day.

You helped us through some very tough times, and your unconditional love for us will always stay deep in our hearts. You let me know when it was time to let you go. I was blessed with two children who gave me the chance to get professional photos of you two days before I held you as you left this earth peacefully and crossed the rainbow bridge, April 2016. I know you are now free of pain, but the pain in our hearts remains.

Thank you, Chloe. Run free and be happy.

If you had to write a letter to your pet, what would it say? Let us know in the comments below.

This is an extract from Fur-Ever Loved by Ken Drake, published by New Holland Publishers, RRP $29.99, available from all good bookstores or online.

pets, dogs, Letters, owners, write