Charlotte Foster
Family & Pets

Readers respond: What were the dumbest lies you believed as a kid?

From the real reason behind thunder, to where babies come from, our readers were told some hilarious fibs in their youth.

We asked what what the funniest, silliest and downright ridiclous lies you believed as a kid, and the response was overwhelming. 

Here's what you said:

Kaz Appleford - We can't go to the beach because granddad has pulled the plug and there's no water. 

Marianne Oates - Our golden Labrador was hit by a car and taken to the vet for medical attention. When he came back he was a black Labrador, changed colour because of the medication. 

So for many years we had a black Labrador called Goldy.

Sharon Waldron - If I didn't clean my ears, I would get potatoes growing out of them.

Aileen May - That is the wind changed just when I was pulling a face, my face would stay like that forever. 

Sharon McPherson - That my Dad left England (banished by Queen) because he wanted tomarry Princess Margaret and she wouldnt let him!!! 

I believed this until year 6 in Primary school.

Yolanda Battistini - When I would ask where babies come from, ,y mum told me I was in a shop window & they bought me.

Trish Hogan - if you swallowed a fruit pip, you'd grow a tree inside you. 

Angie Broyles - Thunder was angels bowling in heaven.

Annette Saarinen - That babies were found in the cabbage patch. 

Glenda Barkle - I was told when we had thunderstorms, that it was God just moving his furniture around.

Bev Baldock - That if I picked at my navel, it would turn into a big hole and all my guts would fall out.

Greg Browning - My grandfather told me that he didn’t shave, he just pushed his whiskers through to the inside and bit them off.

Heather Gleeson - My dad said he worked in Queensland putting bends in bananas. 

Pete Lemin KT - If you sit too close to the TV, you'll go blind. 

Cheryl Ann Brown - Eating your crusts makes your hair curly. I never ate my crusts and I have a head full of uncontrollable curls.

Jodi Pickering - I went to a catholic school the first few years when I was young, and the nuns told me if Jesus stops watching me I will die, I have never forgotten that. I was absolutely terrified.

Brian Wolfe - If you hear the Mr Whippy jingle, it means they're out of ice cream. 

Dawn Dean - My Aunty told me there was a man in the moon that God put there because he chopped wood on a Sunday.

Deidre Moore - I was told people who had a gap in their front teeth were going to be rich one day. Still hasn’t happened.

Sandra Anderson - If I bit my nails, my hands would turn into pigs feet.

Jill Croden - My mum said if you swallowed chewing gum it would wrap around your bones.

Image credits: Getty Images

family & pets, readers respond, lies, childhood