Danielle McCarthy
Family & Pets

The most rewarding thing about being a parent

Being a parent (and later, a grandparent) is one of life’s most rewarding experiences. From the little things to watching their kids grow into unique, caring adults and parents themselves, we asked the Over60 community to tell us what they loved most about being a parent. Here are some of our favourite responses.

1. The simple things

“One great memory was Sunday morning breakfast in bed. On the menu: hot or cold tea, hot or cold orange juice and toast with vegemite (from the eight-year-old with help from the younger ones). So lovely.” – Jo Bolland.

2. Watching them become their own people

“Seeing our children reach their potential and their own expectations, learning to be kind, thoughtful, caring, tolerant and patient, but also having their own opinions on many, many subjects – which are sometimes totally different to ours!” – Sarah McInnes.

3. Dealing with their naughty behaviour

“Button pushing encouraged me to learn a lot about myself and to become a better human being, as well as a better mother than those who went before me (in my family). Helped me to overcome and to eventually really like the person that I am.” – Lorraine Moyes.

4. Fostering a new generation of great parents

“Everything about my children is rewarding and now they are all adults with families of their own, the reward is seeing what wonderful parents they all are. That is reward enough for me and tells me we did a pretty good job raising them. A very rewarding job!” – Janis White.

5. Becoming a grandparent

“Experiencing how kind, capable and well-mannered they are now they are adults. And, of course, being a grandparent. That is a real joy.” – Laraine Buscombe.

6. Seeing them learn new things

“The joy of watching your children learning new things and growing from babies. My son once made me an interesting Mother’s Day breakfast – a toasted vegemite and lettuce sandwich!” – Annette Brown.

7. The routine

“The best part of the day was when the kids had gone to bed and there was a peaceful silence that wrapped itself around the house until the next adventure/drama/joy of being a parent unfolds!” – Doug Lambert.

What did you find to be the most rewarding part about being a parent? And what’s the best thing about being a grandparent? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

family, parent, thing, being, rewarding