Ben Squires
Family & Pets

20 truths for people who like animals more than humans

Sometimes you can’t help but feel that animals get you in a way that people never will. But you’re perfectly fine with that because truth be told, most of the time you prefer animals to humans. How many of these “truths” do you relate to?

  1. When people disappoint you, you think to yourself “An animal would NEVER do that.”
  2. You share more with your pet than any other person. (Yes, of course you talk to your pet).
  3. You often wonder: “What did human do to deserve the love of animals?”
  4. You’re always stopping to meet and pat dogs on the street.  
  5. You love going to visit the animals at the zoo, but you dislike how crowded it is. 
  6. You cry more when an animal dies in a film than a human.
  7. You are a self-proclaimed “crazy” dog/cat person. You see no shame in that.
  8. You have no problems showering sweet nothings to your pet. Humans? Not so much.
  9. Your idea of a perfect night is relaxing on the couch snuggling up to your pet.
  10. You hate the idea of a crowded party full of people, but a whole pack of dogs? Heaven.
  11. Animal videos and stories make your day.
  12. Your pet always make you feel better than any person would.
  13. You immediately take a dislike to any person who says, “It’s just an animal.”
  14. You could watch your adorable pet all day, all night. Anything they do is entertaining.
  15. Your pet eats better than you. You carve out the time to cook your pet a gourmet meal, while you just eat leftovers.
  16. After a hard day, there’s nobody you’d rather see come running to you at the door than your fluffy friend (yes, that is above partner/spouse/family member).
  17. You’re not joking when you declare you prefer animals’ company over people.
  18. You have the patience of a saint when dealing with your pet, but you’re a short fuse when it comes to people.
  19. You hate strangers but you spend a lengthy period of time trying to coax stray animals to you.
  20. People come and go throughout life, but no matter what happens in your life you know an animal will always be part of your life. 

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pets, animals, lifestyle, cute, Pictures