Alex O'Brien
Family & Pets

Why do dogs tilt their head?

Bondi Vet’s much loved veterinarian, Dr Chris Brown, explains the reason why dogs tilt their heads… and why it may make you love dogs even more.

Sure, it might be the move that can melt even the coldest heart. But for years, we've been trying to understanding why they do it. Finally, we have the answer. And ironically... it's all to understand us better.

The tilt serves two functions. First of all, it directs what they're HEARING into their ears at a different angle and often around their long ear flaps. And as canine psychologist Stanley Coren recently discovered, a tilt is also especially useful at shifting their snout out of the way to help with what they're SEEING. After all, seeing is believing; especially if it's with both eyes.

In fact, you can try the tilt for yourself. Just put your fist on your nose to mimic a dog's snout and try to look straight ahead. Your fist blocks your vision unless you tilt your head to the side. Then it all becomes clear. Crazy, huh?

Does your pet tilt their head when you talk? Let us know in the comments below.

For more tips on your pets, follow Dr Chris Brown on Facebook here.

Related links:

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pets, dogs, puppies, tilt, head