Charlotte Foster
Family & Pets

Woman seeks advice over family member’s list of “stupid” baby names

A woman has asked for advice after seeing her cousin’s list of potential baby names, with many of them being classed as “just stupid”. 

The woman took to Reddit to explain how her cousin sent her baby name list to her family group chat, and no one has yet replied. 

"This was all sent in a family group chat and no-one has replied yet. I feel bad because at least she has put some thought into these names, especially compared to how most of us were named. On the other hand, well, you saw the names," the woman posted on Reddit. 

The names her cousin has shared and her logic behind them include: 

  1. Urf (Earth..because no matter where the child lives in life, it will always be on Earth. Can't fault the logic on that one – Elon Musk might take umbrage though.)

  2. Seaeoh (CEO. Apparently names dictate destiny and this name will cosmically transform the child into a successful business magnate.)

  3. Stamp (She was in a long distance relationship with the father for a while and they used to send each other letters with...stamps. Sounds like what a caveman character in a film would be called.)

  4. Biotic (Connected to antibiotic. This will protect the child from disease. Antibiotic would be and I quote, 'Ridiculous because it would sound like 'Aunty' which would cultivate bullying because she would sound old.')

  5. Ayeai (AI. In the future AI will take over and if it turns nasty it will go easy on her kid because they share a name.)

The woman explained that her cousin's logic for going with something very different for a name is "so many children nowadays have unique names that it will eventually become normal and people with 'standard' names will be the ones looking foolish." 

She also added that her cousin's husband isn't "brave enough" to say anything about the names and hopes she will lose interest. 

The people of Reddit had a lot to say about the choices, with one person commenting, “Those are all just terrible." 

"I say this in the kindest way possible. She is delusional and I dare say, stupid. That poor future child deserves better," wrote another user. 

Another suggested a normal name might actually be unique now and wrote, "Having a 'standard' name is what is unique now. How many kids are being named David and Lisa?" 

Image credits: Shutterstock 

family & pets, baby names, cousin