Carla La Tella
Family & Pets

Wrapping presents leads to mother's cheeky Christmas discovery

Queensland mother of four Nicole, was wrapping her Christmas presents early this year, when she had to take a second glance at a few images on what she thought was fairly innocent and cute wrapping paper.

What she didn’t realise, was that after wrapping a few presents she accidentally selected something a little too inappropriate.

The paper, innocently named "Christmas Wrapping Paper Roll" online actually contained X-rated cartoon images. One of an aroused snowman and another of a randy reindeer mounting another.

I purchased them online and only noticed when I was wrapping my third present - thankfully the first two were for me and my partner!" she laughed.

"When I first saw it I had to send photos to my friend and mother to see if they noticed anything off while wiping laughing tears from my face."

Nicole said she wasn't planning on ditching the paper from Typo completely, but with her younger children, she wasn't keen on her kids asking about the birds and the bees over Christmas lunch.

"I have only wrapped small presents in it now with strategically placed name labels," she said of her work-around.

"I find it hilarious and have showed everyone. I put the post up on social media in case someone hadn’t noticed or may have left it too late to buy more paper ... and to give people a laugh!"

Feeling the need to share, Nicole posted snaps of the paper in the Christmas Mums Australia Facebook group, and wasn't the only one to find it funny. Over 340 members of the group commented on Nicole's post.

“This is the best!” one person commented.

“That’s gold! I love it,” added another.

As the laughter and jokes kept coming, many shoppers said that others shouldn’t be so surprised by the images, given Type, the store Nicole purchased from is known for selling cheeky items like this.

Images: Typo

Shopping, christmas wrapping, presents, family & pets, funny