Courtney Allan
Family & Pets

You can now dine with your dog at this Japanese restaurant

A restaurant chain in Japan has realised that many people do enjoy dining with their dogs. Therefore, to keep their customers happy, they have involved your dog in your overall dining experience.

Ushisuke, which is a chain of restaurants in Tokyo and Tokahham, are serving grilled meat to their customers and their furry friends, according to Kotaku.

Yes, that’s right. The restaurant grills meat for you AND your dog.

The restaurant has also gone one step further to make sure that your dog feels included in the dining experience.

Pets are able to sit at the table and order from a specific menu that’s catered to dogs. Items include a selection of rice, veggies and thick slices of meat.

As the dogs are up at the table in their special seats, they are able to patiently wait for their food to be cooked.

Would you take your pooch to a restaurant like this? Let us know in the comments.

japan, japanese dining, dogs, dinner with dogs